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  1. This problem is taken from Project Euler, a collection of mathematical problems that can be solved using clever ( or sometimes not-so-clever) computer programming.
  2. The complete Euler equation set contains all kinds of Euler equations of the variational problems. An Aeroelastic Analysis Method of Wings Based on Euler Equations
  3. This paper deals with the convergence and stability of the Euler method for a linear stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching. The definition of MS-stability of numerical method is established. The conditions under which the method is MS-stable is determined.
  4. Numerical Simulation of Flowfield around Micro Helicopter Rotors by Solving Incompressible Euler Equations The ghost fluid method for inviscid compressible Euler equations
  5. Euler Polynomials of Higher Order and Euler Polynomials
  6. For AUV and mass-varying AUV in 6 degrees of freedom ( DOF), the dynamic equations of motion with applying generalized vector notation are derived. In these equations, the attitudes are represented by the 4-parameter unit quaternion ( Euler parameters) and Euler angles.
  7. According to Euler's rotation theorem, the Euler's eigenaxis rotation provides the shortest angular path from a initial orientation to the desirable orientation.
  8. An implicit difference scheme of Euler equation for unsteady transonic flow
  9. The algorithm proposed by Seron and Gutierrez based on Euler method to implement curved ray tracing was improved.
  10. Euler Equations of generalized Riemann variable are derived from unsteady primitive variable Euler equations and solved by using two-a point-two-step upwind finite difference method.
  11. In this paper, the angular velocity of body reference frame is derived by the use of variational principle and the relation between vector's absolute and relative rate of change respective-ly, and is expressed in terms of Euler angles and Euler parameters.
  12. In this article, the writer expounds the method to get constant calculus equation's original amount by Euler, ameliorated Euler and classical Runge-Kutta with the aid of computers.
  13. The 2D and 3D multigrid methods for compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations were studied.
  14. In this paper we give the exponential generating function for labeled Euler graphs having exactly n 2 connected Euler graphs and the k ( k ≥ 2) cut vertices distributed only on one 2 connected Euler graph.
  15. A method for solving improved space marching Euler equations and a method for solving time-dependent Euler equations are presented in this paper. They are efficient in calculating flow fields for maneuvering reentry vehicles ( MaRVs). However, the cost for the numerical computation is expensive.
  16. In this paper, the generalized Euler square matrix and its count are defined.
  17. Finally, the generalized Euler eigenvalue and the generalized Gauss Bonnet Theorem and the generalized Euler ′ s formula are given to polyhedra.
  18. A fluid-structure coupling finite element model is established, which consists of Lagrange element simulating mast structure and deck, and Euler element simulating air around the mast. Mast and air are coupled with general couple method.
  19. This paper discusses the enumeration of labeled Euler graphs with k ( k ≥ 2) cut vertices distributed only on one 2 connected Euler graph.
  20. In this paper, we study completely the concept of Euler function and obtain some more deep properties and its applications.
  21. Among various attitude representations of rigid body, the Euler angles, Cardan angles and Euler parameters are applied frequently in engineering.
  22. Algorithms searching for a directed Euler tour in a Eulerian digraph and the shortest Euler trial in a non-Eulerian digraph are also developed.
  23. The dual Euler method for overcoming the singularity of Euler equation
  24. For the simulation of gas-particle two-phase flow, two primary methods are generally used at present, including two fluid model ( Euler-Euler model) and particle track model ( Euler-Lagrange model).
  25. The first-order approximate boundary conditions are used in solving the Euler equations and the results are compared with the Euler solutions using the exact boundary conditions and known experimental data.
  26. According to Euler theorem, we calculate Euler vectors of Chinese mainland.
  27. The key idea is to use the contour integral definitions of the Bernoulli and Euler numbers to transform the identities on these numbers and polynomials into integral identities on hypergeometric integrands.
  28. It includes Trapezoidal, Backward Euler, Forward Euler, Simpson and Gear Second Order methods.
  29. In this dissertation, we present an expanded Euler Path method, which extend the origin Euler Path method to the floor plan of all kind of CMOS circuit as well as the dynamic circuit.
  30. The backward Euler return algorithm is unconditionally stable and much more accuracy compared to the Euler forward algorithm.